
Sunday, 15 March 2009

When I faced my fear!!

Walt: Put a picture in the readers mind about our worst fear.
This newspaper cliping is about, when I faced my worst fear.
I used Fodey to create this clipping.

Thursday, 12 March 2009

My roles rights and responsibilities

Walt: Do a brainstorm about my roles rights and responsibilities.
This brainstorm show my roles rights and responsibilities.
I used Bubbl.us to make this brainstorm.

Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Wala:Jesus the fullness of gods revelation

This photo shows Jesus getting crusified on the cross.
To me this means that Jesus died on the cross for us and gave us everlasting life.

Tuesday, 3 March 2009

Principals questions about createIT so far

How Does using a blog help you with your learning?
If I put something on my blog someone could leave a comment or some feedford for me. I could go onto someones blog and leave a comment or something I thought they could try next.

How does a blog link your school learning with your home?
If I found somthing out at home I could put it on my blog. If somone else was at home they could have a look on my blog and see my learning, even when we're not at school.

What is the most popular meal in room 3

Walt: find out the most popular meal of the day is in room 3

I found out that the most popular meal of the day is Desert, I also found out that Brunch and Lunch are both the least popular meal of the day.
I created this pie graph using Microsoft Exel.